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A Liquid Narrative Group System

Online multiplayer gaming has emerged as a popular form of entertainment.· During these games, the players’ main focus is usually placed on achieving the objectives that must be completed to win the game.· While these tasks may be of the primary interest to the players, over the course of the game their interactions may result in interesting narratives that go unnoticed.· This may be due to the imperfect information that a player has access to or it may be a result of a player’s focus on his or her achieving the goals of the game.· Afterthought is a system that allows players to view these emergent narratives after completing their gameplay session.· The tool accomplishes this using a pipeline approach involving:

  • logging the actions that occur during the play of the game
  • analyzing the log and retrieving interesting narratives
  • generating the cinematic discourse for visualization
  • rendering the videos of the narratives
  • uploading the videos to a video sharing site so that they are easily viewable by all participants

Team members

afterthought publications

Dominguez, Michael, Automatic Identification and Generation of Highlight Cinematics in 3D Games, Masters’ thesis, Department of Computer Science, NC State University, February, 2010.  [pdf]

afterthought sponsors

Afterthought was an unsponsored project.