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Projects by Topic


Project descriptions are organized below by topic.  Individual systems produced by each project are linked from the respoective project text.  If you’re looking for list of projects by name, you can find that here.  An index of all the systems we’ve build can be found here, and a list of all publications on the work described below is available here.  

Cloud-based intelligent control of computer games and virtual worlds

Automated camera control in 3D environments

Computational models of narrative and narrative understanding

Interactive narrative

Intelligent control of game-based learning environments

Systems and methods to create game-based cinematics

Natural language generation

Tools for the design and development of games and game AI


AI + Cloud

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Cloud-based services for powerful AI algorithms hold the promise of revolutionizing gameplay in future games.  We’re working to bridge the gap between commercial game AI development and new ideas for AI analytics, behavior and adaptivity.
Mimesis (ended 2005)
Zocalo (ended c. 2012)
Zuzen (ended c. 2012)

Automated Camera Control

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Intelligent control of a camera in 3D spaces can automatically generate cinematics that clearly and effectively convey an underlying story.
The Intelligent Cinematography Homepage
Darshak (ended c. 2010)
Zuzen (ended c. 2012)
Longboard (ended 2008)
Afterthought (ended 2009)

 Narrative Structure and Comprehension

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At the core of our work lies new computational models of narrative, its struture and how people build mental models of stories during narrative production and comprehension.
The Narrative Structure and Comprehension Homepage
CIRCUS (ongoing)
IPOCL (ended 2006)
Fabulist (ended 20060
The Narrative Processing Project (ended 2018)

Interaction in Automatically Generated Narratives

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The creation of interactive experiences within an unfolding story requires the crafting of stories that afford user action and support the user’s dynamic choice.
The Interactive Narrative Homepage
Mimesis (ended 2005)
Narrative Affordance (ongoing)
Narrative Mediation (ongoing)

Games and Learning

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Computer games are learning machines, whether targeted at entertainment, education or some other serious application.  Declarative modeling of a game’s task environment allows intelligent tools to manipulate the user’s experience to facilitate task learning.
Annie (ongoing)
FixIt (ongoing)


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Machinima, short films or cinematics filmed using a game engine’s 3D virtual environment, are often challanging to create.  AI-based tools can help human storytellers.
Afterthought (2009)
Longboard (ended 2008)
Zuzen (ongoing)

Natural Language Generation

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Computational models of natural language discourse provide insight in to formal models of human communication and can be applied to create a range of communication.
Longbow (ongoing)

Intelligent Game Tools  

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Building intelligent systems into games and game engines provides compelling new functionality but requires the game developer to be familiar with the sepcific methods and techniques of AI.  We work to build tools that streamline the process of linking game engines to intelligent technologies.
Bowman (ended c. 2012)
Boyer (ended 2009)
Longboard (ended 2008)
Zocalo (ended c. 2012)